
george_300George Lindall’s approach to therapy centers around finding a new way of thinking about our lives and past trauma. While all human beings experience struggle and challenge, George believes that these challenges can be used as a springboard to realizing one’s highest potential and creating a more fulfilling life. He refers to the process of resolving this trauma as “recovery.”

George’s methodology and intuitive approach draw on his background as an educator, mentor, father and husband, and over thirty years of working in the mental health field. His therapeutic work includes experience in an outpatient treatment center, an inpatient psychiatric hospital, a halfway house and private practice.

An advocate for relational healing, George frequently sees individual clients together with their partners/spouses. He believes that our potential for happiness lies in our primary relationships, and that individual healing can be found by strengthening these relationships. And, conversely, that doing our healing in the company of our partners strengthens our relationships.

George’s methodology gives clients a framework to better understand and heal their past so they can transform their present, moving beyond a need for regular therapy. Clients are encouraged to take part in weekly men’s and women’s small groups as a part of the therapeutic process. These groups offer a support system and an opportunity to expedite recovery alongside like-minded people.



Education and credentials:

M.Eq., Licensed Psychologist

ABD, Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota

MBA, University of Minnesota

Certified Therapist, Terry Real’s Relational Life Institute